Our sustainable footprint
At Capiro, we have always believed that by doing things differently, we obtain unique results. We have been developing and implementing several sustainability and GHG reduction projects. We are committed to preserving our environment, therefore we work every day to reduce our carbon footprint, shipping approximately 88% of our flowers by maritime transport. So far we have shipped 9615 containers by sea around the world, which is equivalent to approximately 3000 tons of CO2. If this cargo had been sent by air transport we would have emitted approximately 75,000,000 million tons of CO2. We firmly believe that by innovating we can make a change, this is why we have implemented around 1000 solar panels distributed in the farms. This is equivalent in the short term to a 30% reduction in energy consumption.
In order for our flowers to speak for themselves about their origin, we provide them with constant, responsible and environmentally friendly care. We work every day to reduce the use of pesticides in our soils, replacing them with biorational elements that take care of our flowers, controlling the population of harmful pests and protecting the beneficial ones, such as bees. A project is currently underway with the participation of a company from Antioquia for the implementation of clean and efficient technologies in the internal transportation of flowers. These electric vehicles help us reduce polluting emissions from mobile sources. implementación de tecnologías limpias y eficientes en el transporte interno de flores. Estos vehículos eléctricos nos ayudan a reducir las emisiones contaminantes de origen móvil.
In relation to waste generation, since 2016 we have managed to change the rotation boxes made of cardboard, for thermoformed plastic boxes, which helped us to reduce more than 466 tons of cardboard per year.
These and many other projects allow us to continue cultivating dreams and flowers. Adapting to the new emerging technologies in order to implement them in our processes creating a real change. We believe in providing safe and friendly conditions to build a better present and a better future for all.
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