Ventajas de la energía solar en el medio ambiente

Advantages of solar energy on the environment

Solar panels are the leading source of renewable energy for our production centers, all of which means good news for our planet and the environment.

Our purpose with these solar panels is to produce renewable energy with sunlight, and we are going to stop consuming non-renewable energy, which is what the retailer sells us. In our newest production center, San Sebastian, we will have an energy saving of 25%, when we say saving it means that the panels are going to produce 25% of this total energy. However, it is important to understand why solar panels are good for the environment.

The Benefits for the Environment 

Solar panels have several benefits for the environment due to their green energy and lack of emissions when running.

  1. It is still massively reducing their dependence on the National Grid.
  2. No emissions. As solar energy relies entirely on gathering energy from the sun and converting it into electricity, using it means that you are not producing any greenhouse gasses or contributing to global warming. It can reduce the carbon footprint of your home by 80% in one year.
  3. It’s renewable. Solar energy is a form of renewable energy. This means that there is plenty of it to go around because it is an energy source that won’t run out. By relying on solar panels, we are one less business that is relying on fossil fuels, and it can make a bigger impact than you might think.
  4. They last a long time and require little to no maintenance. Solar panels last about 50 years, so you shouldn’t need to replace them for a long time.

With these and more actions, at Capiro we want to become an example for the agricultural sector in Colombia, by taking care of our planet which makes it possible to keep growing dreams and satisfaction.



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