Nuestra familia

Our family

Our social commitment:

"Transforming people's lives." 

En Capiro, cultivamos sueños y estamos comprometidos con nuestros empleados, la comunidad y el medio ambiente. Creemos que, al brindar un espacio de trabajo seguro y amigable, lograremos que nuestra gente se sienta como en casa. Por eso, construimos un buen presente para tener un mejor mañana.

Our family has more than 2,500 employees, whom we care for and value every day, achieving results that contribute to our high-quality standards.

Social footprint

It is a pride to see our collaborators happy and passionate about what they do. With their work, they help us build participative and community scenarios, where identity, culture, and history are recognized as values that give meaning to our company. 

Maná Futbol Club
Escuela Maná Futbol Club

School A space for strengthening where 90 boys and girlsparticipate, including children of employees and 40 boys and girls we sponsor in vulnerable conditions in the municipality of La Ceja. All children participate in a healthy environment where sports and leadership take center stage. 

Social Inclusion
Inclusión Social

At Flores El Capiro, we believe in the importance of creating opportunities for inclusion and employment for people with disabilities or vulnerability. That's why we lead a series of programs to highlight the talent of our community dedicated to creating crafts and home elements. 

Promoting the love for writing and reading
Promovemos el amor por la escritura y la lectura

We take pride in leading programs such as the Annual Story Contest, where we promote the love for reading and writing among the children of our employees. We aim to raise awareness in our children, showing them how they can contribute to society and environmental care. 


We work every day to build environments that transform our society and encourage participation for the community and our employees through the sponsorship of schools in the Oriente Antioqueño. 

  • We promote the Sports Olympics parade
  • Annually, we participate in the parade of flowers, bicycles, and "silleteritos" of the Municipality of La Ceja
  • United for a smile: gift donations for our community

One of the main pillars of our company is to promote the educational development of our employees so they can complete their basic and middle studies. Likewise, we have different benefits designed for their safety and well-being within our facilities. 

  • Support for obtaining housing subsidies. 
  • Support in professional training processes for our employees.
  • Support in educational training processes for our employees in elementary and high school.
  • Assistance with eyeglasses.
  • Training and education programs.
  • Extra-legal benefits


Conoce quienes están detrás de nuestras flores.

Nuestras flores no crecen ni se cortan solas, es por esto que nuestra gente es el mayor tesoro. En Capiro, siempre trabajamos para brindarles las mejores condiciones de trabajo y de vida para ellos y sus familias.


Please leave us your comments. We´ll get in touch as soon as we can.
